About The Founder

I’m Cassandra and I Help Individuals and Organisations leverage their Congruent Points to Achieve Sustainable Change and Healthy Growth.


I am Cassandra, the Founder of the Congruent Point. After being on the proverbial rollercoaster for the first 30 years of my life, I slammed into a thick wall at the age of 32. Everything that I had built – my marriage, my relationships, my business, my health and well-being, my goals and dreams – EVERYTHING – was trashed. I trashed it all. Yes, that’s right. I did it to myself. Not intentionally, of course, but the construct of my life up to that point was not designed to withstand the storms, hurricanes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions of navigating life.

Shit happens! And, more often than not, you happen with it. I know I did but back then I did not know why and how to steer myself out of the dangerous zones.

Then, in 1996, misfortune led me to New Zealand and it was there that my journey towards the discovery of my Congruent Point began. Over the course of the next 20 years, I learned how to tap into my internal strength and harness the power of my own resilience, courage, confidence, self-esteem, energy and well-being. I mastered the art of letting go of generational and inherited ropes that strangled my existence and threatened my survival. I learned how to release the survival skills I was born with and create new behaviours and experiences that helped me grow and thrive.

Becoming a Mother was a major game-changer for me. I was responsible for another human being and I wanted to Change the Script I had been handed.


“When the storms come, you have to know how to open your umbrella, put on your boots and dance in the rain. You have to be brave and move forward with courage and faith. No one teaches you how to do that.”

Those skills are only found at your Congruent Point.

The Strength of Congruence



The ability to find the strength to move through pain, loss or illness and take yourself (and others) to a better place.



Resilience is your elasticity. It helps you to rebound. To jump forward quickly and with less resistance. To get back on your feet.



This is how you develop yourself to not just survive but rather thrive in the face of adversity, uncertainty and volatility.



Without emotion that creates compelling action in you, life becomes mundane and heavy. Passion creates desire and helps you to see the possibilities in you.



When you have a high level of respect and admiration for yourself, it is reflected in the way you speak to yourself and in your behaviour. This makes it much easier to enjoy healthy relationships.



This is not only your ability to do but more so your ability to do with vigour, meaning and vitality. Energy moves and helps to manifest your goals and dreams.



Faith is the evidence of things unseen; the belief in your realistic power to achieve. There is trust in your skills and abilities because you are in control of your life and responsible for the outcome of your choices.



Everything leads to the choices you make for yourself and your life – your ability to discern often with limited time and information available to you. You journey prepared to embrace whatever comes your way.

If You Have Any Questions or Comments,
please email – cpatrovani@congruentpoint.com